
student stories that bring light to wellbeing possibilities

Story by:
Professor Jill Willis

jump to generative questions

Stairs are a dominant feature of vertical schools.

Students and staff members use the stairs several times a day to move up and down between the different levels.

Students move between classes, to go to their lockers, to go to the toilets, the library, the café, or the gym, to get their equipment or put it away.

There are a few different types of stairs in vertical schools.

stairs within the atria

offer a vantage point of seeing other levels


wide stairs that are also seating during breaks, class, or for special events

back stairs

are out of public view, used for emergency evacuations

While each school has a set of lifts, access to the lifts is reserved for students with additional mobility or other needs who could apply for a lift pass. Staff members may also have use of the lift passes for moving equipment between levels.

Several times during the day the stairs are a high traffic area. Transition between lessons or to breaks, arrival and departure times there are people moving both up and down the stairs.

The designers considered wellbeing in the use of stairs as:

  • Stairs invite people to stop and rest in adjacent informal seating areas
  • Include views through the school and to vistas outside of the school.
  • Feature aesthetic elements like wood or decorative metal screens.

School leaders consider wellbeing by:

  • Minimising the number of transitions per day with 4 lessons each day
  • Not having school bells, so transitions are spread out with natural flows as classes finish
  • Creating cultural values like stair etiquette of moving to one side, memes like "everyday is leg day", and teachers modelling how they use the stairs.

"There's like a jillion different levels to it."

He was always getting stopped by people on the stairs. They saw he had an old fashioned analogue watch. What is the time? Now that smart watches and phones were banned, and there were no clocks or bells in the school. No one really knew the time apart from him.

Stairs are more than transit spaces.

Students tagged stairs as...



In Control


But stairs can also require effortful management

Stairs often entail...








The energy that they had been keeping in check all during class meant that their body felt like a box of jumping beans. They slid down the bannister, ran to the next steps and jumped down two at a time. It felt so good to get their energy out. They might even get to the gym before everyone else so they could run and run all through the break time. Hopefully that would mean they could sit still during the next class and not get in trouble.

thriving story

It is a good place to relax

Managing the together/alone paradox. In an urban vertical school there is close proximity of people to one another, so socializing on the stairs can enable small groups to gather, but still keep an eye on what everyone else is doing.

“It is a spot where students are allowed to relax in breaks and sometimes we use it as a place to work in.”
The young boy with autism ran from his locker to the bleacher at the top of the stairs. He found his usual spot. As he opened his lunchbox and ate his lunch, he watched as other students began to find their spot on the bleachers below him. He listened into the conversations with one ear, always keeping an eye out for danger. As a group of bigger boys began to make their way up the stairs, he quickly packed up his lunch box and shifted to his next lookout space.

What do students value, be, do, and feel?

Students shared that even when they want to do the right thing and be on time, they may arrive late. They want to feel safe not stressed.

“You do get locked out easily and kids also, they just, like, close the door just to lock their friends out as a joke. But then, like a bunch of other people just get stuck like trying to get through the door. And they don't wanna be late for class and everything.”

Students want to feel psychological comfort.

“if you're not good with like, um, being in crowded spaces, it can stress you out a bit.”

Students want to be inspired.

“I think that is important because while you're walking to your different classes, you can like the big window that's at the front of the school. It lets in a lot of light. So while you're walking through the hallways, you just get to look outside and look at the nature and different things and you can have a breather and not think about class. You can just look at the plants and animals and stuff.”

But how do you manage the time-space paradox?

In a vertical school the atrium and open stairways make several levels visible at once. That can make the spaces feel quite close. However it can take more time than you think to get up or down to the spaces on different levels.

steep stairs

lockers on a different floor


cafe lines

not enough time

crowds going up and down

room changes

toilet or eat

anxiety about getting in trouble

door locked

Stop. Strategize.

arrive early. take friends to the cafe or toilet. pretend to have a limp to catch a lift. put books in someone else's locker. watch when others move. don't be late or you will get in trouble. don't trip.

too tired to learn

No-one else knew that she had just been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that made her legs feel like lead. Every step up was an effort. Her locker was on the third floor, and today there were classes on floor one and five. She didn't want to tell the school or her friends just yet as she had not come to terms with it herself. The jostling from other people as they pushed past her just added to her dread of using the stairs. Only three more times today before she could go home and rest.

In the mapping data, the stairs created lots of comments. As this diagram shows, most of the comments to do with stairs were about them being a 'not thriving' space. So what can be done?

Stairs were mostly tagged as not thriving spaces requiring effortful manageability.


Don't students have stairs at home?

She heard the racial slur from the older student as he passed down the stairs. She looked up shocked and saw a teacher was just ahead. Surely the teacher heard that too and would say something. That type of language was not in line with the school values. The teacher met her eyes briefly then looked to her friend to tell her friend to tuck her shirt in properly. She fumed at the injustice. What was the teacher thinking of letting a big injustice go unnoticed and pick on something little. That was not fair. She didn't know that the teacher was not used to seeing so many students all of the time. He didn't think he would have time to deal with an issue that big and still make it to his class on level 1 without being late. He wasn't happy with his response.

Why are stairs so important for salutogenic wellbeing?

Stairs are a daily reminder of the importance of wellbeing. As students travel up and down stairs to classes and in and out of the school they can experience a sense of meaningfulness when they can see out to a view, see friends, hear music or feel a sense of growing fitness. Stairs were often social spaces where groups could meet, sit on bleachers, relax and play games. However some students can find the effort of regularly climbing up and down crowded stairs hard to manage. Younger students and students with disabilities, visible or invisible, are more likely to feel tired and uncomfortable in the crowd. The restricted options and flow of people up and down led to many students being concerned about arriving late to their class. Students made strategic choices about which stairs to use at what time, or which stairs provide the best strategy to arrive at a destination with minimal effort.

Managing challenge can create a sense of wellbeing, with a feeling of accomplishment or growing fitness and friendship. But where the stairs are unpredictable the challenge may lead to a lack of thriving as the stairs become less comprehensible. Designers prioritised comprehensibility by using wayfinding colours, adding in rest areas, and acoustic dampening materials. School leaders prioiritised manageability and comprehensibility when they put direction arrows on the stairs, opened up firestairs for more options, and created cultural memes like 'everyday is leg day'. More can be done with the design briefs for vertical schools to prioritise stairs being manageable, meaningful and comprehensible.


Thriving is enhanced when there is a sense of adventure and motivation. Stairs can be seen as a source of helpful exercise and fitness if they are a right level of challenge.

“Um, well, you know, yeah, the stairs are good for walking. You get exercise in.”
“What if I just fall down. They get so literally like, there are so many people, so many people.”


Thriving is enhanced when the design of the stairs convey a message that is not contradicted by social rules. Does it make sense?

“Let us use all the stairs. We aren't allowed to use one staircase. I don't know why but it is a good staircase and gets us where we need to go.”


Thriving is enhanced when there is a sense of vitality and sense are engaged. Stairs that have views and colour become more meaningful.

“The stairs being too small and the walls being a little dull since it gets crowded on the stairs and it feels boring without anything on the walls to look at.”

Thriving is enhanced when temperature, sound, smells, light and crowds are manageable.

“Make them better because they always smell and are annoying to walk up everyday.”


Inclusive thriving is where there are opportunities for belonging and students have choices about how to get from place to place.

“I would change the stairs and have a ramp so people with injuries and people in wheelchairs can feel included too, not just in a lift to go places.”

And one of the things that the builders talked about was, and the architects, was that we would be able to stand outside and look up and see on the inside you could see the different colors. So a lot of thought went into the colors and which level would be which color. And for the kids to pick up on that was significant. I thought that was really quite perceptive.

How do we make stairs more thriving places?

Sensory Experiences

How might we control the sensory experience within stairs?

How might we design for a feeling of choice and openness?

How might we design for relationship with stairs to change over time?

What about colour, novelty, openness, diffusers for smells, art, or views?

What about more variety in gradient of stairs, smaller stairs on lower levels, choices of routes?

Can we create more choices for routes, share maps, engage with social etiquette?

Time and Hurry

How might we holistically design stairs within schools?

When in design process are stairs considered?

How might we make the sensory and aesthetic experience more pleasurable?

What about relationships to building code, timetable, what types of rooms open onto stairs?

Adding width or a mid rail to help direct up and down flow?

Can we prioritise views to reduce a sense of hurry?


How might we make stairs feel safer for students?

What about acoustic treatments, stair surfaces, signage, colour, predictability, wayfinding, promoting a sense of control?

Overhead snatches of conversations on stairs is like living inside a real life favourite soap opera. It feels good to be so connected to this amazing community, where everyone knows everyone else.

story credits

  • writing and themes by Jill Willis
  • adapted for the web by Jess Greentree
  • special thanks to Prahran High School,
    Adelaide Botanic High School &
    Fortitude Valley State Secondary College

hear from students

We asked the students to give us their stories. They responded with images, post-it notes, videos, and mini documentaries. We've collected all of these and created more stories that highlight their everyday experiences as students in UV schools.

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